GREETINGS, PEOPLE OF EARTH!! Sorry I haven't posted in a while! SO! Do you want to hear what happened to me? Well, if you don't, THEN LEAVE THIS PAGE!!........................................................ NO, NO, NO, DON'T LEAVE, I'M SO SORRY IF I WAS MEAN TO YOU!!! ANYWAY! My parents went to Texas for a week, so i'm stuck with other people!! Not really, They are my BESTEST FRIENDS IN THE WHOLE WILD WORLD!!!!!!! So, they borrowed a go-cart from some other people I know. And they were going to fix it up, you know, just to ride in? So, they did!!! AND IT IS SOOOOOOOO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!!!! So, today me and one of my friends were riding in it... AND HE WAS PUSHING THE GAS LIKE THERE WAS NO TOMORROW!!! AND HE WAS GOING SO FAST THAT MY HELMET FLEW OFF!!!!! And I said, "DAWSON!!, MY HELMET FLEW OFF!!" And he said, "Really?!" And I nodded!! So, we went back to it and I put it back on!! AND THE REST IS HISTORY!!!
Turn on the Light to Be Washed in the Word
5 years ago
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