Sup? I am sooooo sorrryyy that I have not posted in a loooooooooooooonnnnnnnnngggggggg time!!!
But guess what I've been doin' for the past week? E-MAILING EVERYBODY I KNOW!!!! It is really, sort of, kind of annoying!!! But I like chatting with my friends!!! So now I check my E-MAIL everyday, but when I just got my E-MAIL I only checked it, like, maybe, once every three months!! I know!, CRAZY RIGHT!!!??? Well anyway,
Post ya guys later!!!!
Turn on the Light to Be Washed in the Word
5 years ago
1 comment:
I know what you mean. That's what I've been doing a lot lately. I haven't blogged as much in the past couple of months as I usually do, but I get SO MUCH e-mail that sometimes it feels like I don't have time to do anything else!
(By the way, don't give your e-mail address out to anyone unless you know them. There are a lot of weirdos out there on the internet...)
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